Apple Today Released itunes 7.1.0 and QuickTime 7.1.5 both of which are now usable with vista.
“Apple has released a new version of iTunes that addresses a number of compatibility issues with Windows Vista. iTunes 7.1 is recommended for use with most editions of Windows Vista, however, Apple is actively working with Microsoft to resolve a few remaining known issues”
Hi Mac,
Is the new version of Quick Time available without itunes ???
yes it is! go to the main download page at and there are two options, one with iTunes and one without
EDIT: the page still says for 2000/XP but it is now compatible with vista
In all, the new QuickTime 7.1.5 plugs a total of eight holes affecting Mac OS X, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista users. All eight flaws are considered highly critical because of the risk of code execution
Sounds like a good reason to update.
yes it does fix security issues but as we have a few vista users I thout the main thing was vista compatibility