Authorization failed. Sorry. Error

Xiaomi MI A1(Android One)
Android 8.0.0
Just got the phone, came with Android 7, received OTA updates, reset phone.
Fresh install of Android 8.0.0.

Authorization failed. Sorry. Error while attempting to login to my existing Avast account.

Planning to upgrade to paid version again, but if this doesn’t work then there’s no point of paying for an upgrade.

Hi, try this then:

  1. uninstall ALL Avast apps from your device (make sure you remove the Avast Antivirus from Device Administrators first)
  2. check there is no ““Avast”” in your device Settings > Accounts
  3. remove the device from the Avast My Account
  4. only then install the Avast apps back and log them back in the My Account

It’s a brand new install…
Any other suggestions?

Well, seems Avast has gone downhill.
I guess I need to find a new AV…

Hi, sorry for the delay.
It actually doesn’t matter if it is a brand new install or not. Just try the uninstall-reinstall process, so that everything initializes again.

Hi there same issue here, same phone MiA1 updated to Android 8.0.0
Can not tell if it could have paired account with Nougat as I upgraded android first.
Please help, how to resolve.
region: Hungary, EU

Have you tried the steps from Reply #2 above?

i re-installed Avast mobile security and i’m getting the same issue here.

device: Moto XT1524 = Moto E 2015 LTE (surnia)
o.s.: Android 7.1.2,
android security patch level: 5 march 2018

i registered the device on
(new requirement from Google for custom Android ROM users)

i tried logging in with the Google Account dedicated for my phone (different than current id) - error
i tried logging in with the current Avast account (that i’m posting here on forum) - getting the same error.

using Avast mobile security version 6.9.3 (latest currently on the Google Play Store)

there’s something wrong with the Avast app itself… it’s probably still trying to use a deprecated Android API? Now that Google has started to enforce device certification IDs maybe that old thing is no longer allowed?

edit: i have tried logging in with the Google Account into another app, it worked flawlessly there and the app appeared in the list at


for devices that were designed to be used inside China but were re-sold in another country and the importer (or the user) modified the device by adding the unlicensed Play Store apps, this new Google enforcement now effectively means that your device was not meant to be used with a Google Account in the first place because Google Accounts are not allowed by the Chinese Government.

practically, you were sold a device with a counterfeit Play Store and Google is now bringing down the hammer on devices that Play Store is not licensed to run on.