auto dial up

:(Is it possible to avoid Avast to auto dial up (once a day ?), I suppose to check new updates ? I use a modem, settings are : Virus database = automatic / Program update : ask //

I only want a check for new updates when I (= MYSELF) have made a connection to the internet (i.e. checking mails)

Wim, I suppose you’re using Windows 9x or ME, right?

Please try the following: open the file \data\avast4.ini, and add the following 2 lines:


Then restart your computer. This could help.

Greettings (currently from Redmond, WA)

I did so a few days ago to avoid Avast! changes my IE settings to “never dial up” when surfing. This problem is solved, but the mentioned problem of “auto dial up” when starting my computer persists. (use Win ME)


Hi Wim & Vlk,

I have also just made the changes to the .ini file to resolve the problem of Avast continually changing IE6 to “never dial” and I too am now finding that Avast4 requests a dial-up every time the computer is booted.

Presumably it is the database auto-update trying to connect because it now believes the internet dial-up connection is always present.

Previously, it used to wait until connection was established by another program such as Internet Explorer or Outlook Express, then check for updates.

Am not sure which is more annoying, having to open up tools in IE6 every day to get it to dial up again (as before mod to .ini file) or having to cancel a dial-up attempt every time I boot the computer (after mod to .ini).

I am using Win98 and OE6 (SP1)

Have Awil any plans to resolve this issue for the longer term?

Anyone got the solution?
