I did a search trying to find info but nothing came up. And what did was old and I got a warning it was old. So, I’m starting a new post.
That said, I’m up for renewal of my Avast Premium. I do not want auto renewal. But it sounds like, from what I’ve read, and the fact I’m not seeing an opt out, I have no choice but to have auto renewal. Is that indeed the case? If so, why are they doing that? Who are they to assume we’ll want to stick with what/whom ever? I also included a screen grab of a message I saw and why I’m asking. Plus I started to renew and did not see an opt out of auto pay option as I previously have.
Don’t get me wrong. I haven’t had any major issues with Avast Premium. But I do not want some other company having permission, nor do I want to have some other company, having permission to auto-renew. Mainly because I can’t always guarantee I’ll have a computer let alone the internet to cancel it. And I don’t want to have to deal with having to cancel should my laptop fry or have to deal with canceling it. I don’t have any bills set to auto pay for this same exact and very reason.
So before I renew. Is auto-renewing the only option now? Thanks in advance.
The auto renewal would appear to be the normal (default choice) when a new/initial purchase is made
Should you ever have an issue" should my laptop fry" the existing license can be used on the new system.
Since you posted the image, with a link to the Cancellation and Refund policy, I presume that should give you information to Cancel Auto renewal. I believe this should also be possible through your my.avast.com account or check these.
Thanks for the reply. In regards to being able to use the license on a new system, this I know. Problem is, I wouldn’t be getting a new system because I can’t afford to. Thus why I said what I did and made the point of not wanting to deal with having to find a way to turn off auto-renewal. Because unfortunately, once this laptop goes, I will not be able to get another one. Not anytime soon anyways. My desktop fried about a year ago and I’ve yet to be able to get it fixed or replaced. So I expect nothing different once this laptop goes. It’s about 5/6 years old.
Anyhow, again, thanks for the reply. I guess I’ll just have to renew and see what happens and do what I can to avoid any pain in my backside down the road.
My XP desktop it quite long in the tooth, but my backup to that is my win10 laptop and I hope to get more years with these.
I don’t know if you have a computer repair shop in your area, I have found that they often have some good deals on used computers (refurbished). Might be worth a look.
Well, using the link you kindly provided, I attempted to unsubscribe/turn off auto payment and I keep getting an error occurred message. Not to mention the page and the way it’s set up is confusing as hell with all these cancel, confirm, unsubscribe boxes not to mention what appear to be broken links it has.
I’ll have to try again later and I suppose if worse comes to worse, I’ll have to call the number I was given when I order.
That website redirects to https://subscriptions.avast.com/
There isn’t any place I’ve seen to unsubscribe.
Use the link provided by r@avast who works for Avast.
Sorry I took so long to reply back. Got busy with some snow I don’t want and wasn’t ready for that arrived here. lol
Anyhow, yes, I tried both logged in and not logged in. Using the manage subscription link that came in the purchase confirmation email and every other way and link I could fine, use and think of.
One this however. The last link you supplied took me to the same place that logging into my Avast account took me to. There is an unsubscribe link there as well. If I click that should/will that turn off auto-payment?