Auto shutdown after scheduled full system scan in 6.0.1044 not working

I have avast 6.0.1044 set to scan during the night, while I am not using the computer, and then shut down when finished. More specifically,

Scan Now-> Full system scan-> Settings-> Scheduling-> Scan Scheduler… I have the box checked next to “Shut down the system after the scan finishes”

The shut down of the computer does not work. I have searched for other threads related to this and I couldn’t find any really related. (One was with avast5. Another inquiring if there was an auto shutdown feature etc).

Does anyone else have a problem with their computer not shutting down after a scheduled scan?

I have XPSP3, Zonealarm free firewall 7.0.483, Spyware Terminator.

Your using out dated program which may be conflicted with Avast. Zone Alarm Free firewall is now version 9 and Spyware Terminator is not necessary now a days. Also do you have hibernation mode enabled?

System standby and hibernation are disabled.

Well, shutdown is just shutdown - it shouldn’t be connected with hibernation modes in any way.
Why the shutdown might fail…

  1. not enough access rights - shouldn’t be a problem, is called from avast! service
  2. something canceled the shutdown (an unsaved document can do that - the program asking do you want to save the changed, and interrupting the shutdown)
  3. something interfered with the request… some kind of behavior blocker maybe?

I’d say - try to set up the scheduled task such that you can watch what’s going on (e.g. schedule a short scan a few minutes ahead) - and see if the confirmation window appears, and whether it shuts down the system.

Btw, did the scheduled task actually run (i.e. is there the corresponding record in scan logs)? Were you logged on when the scheduled task ran?

Thanks very much for your reply igor. With regards to point 2 (something cancelling the shutdown), that has happened in the past where I have left applications open and have not saved the documents. Since then, I have made a point to close all programs before the scan.

I have checked, the scheduled scans are being performed, as one would expect and no problems are encountered during the scans. Yes, I am logged on when the scans are performed.

Excellent idea of scheduling a short scan so I can watch it. :wink: I’m going to try that and let you know what happens. Thanks once again for your help! :slight_smile:

I took your advice igor and have done a number of “Quick Scans”. I have determined that when the screen saver is activated, Avast exhibits strange behavior. The computer does not shut down and when I move the mouse (to deactivate screen saver), I see the desktop with the Avast tab in the taskbar. When I maximize the Avast tab, the “Scan Now” tab is displayed but the whole window to the right of that is blank white. I’ve attached a picture to help explain.

You are right - when the screensaver (or any other full-screen application) is active and if you have the option “Silent if a full-screen application is running” checked on the Silent/Gaming mode page in program settings, the shutdown doesn’t happen, because the program is unable to display the countdown message.
I will fix it for the next program version.

I didn’t encounter any problems with the “empty UI” (which probably means that the service crashed?) though…