Auto Update and the Avast Log

I have Avast set to auto update and was wondering what I should look for in the log to check to see if it is working.

I have it set to play the default sound when the database has updated but don’t recall hearing it at anytime that I am connected!

I am using a Speedtouch ADSL modem which I have to manually connect to the net. In the Avast settings for Update Connections neither of the two boxes are ticked (…dial up modem or …permanently connected)

Through force of habit I also manually check for updates every other day because I used to do this with Norton as I never trusted its auto update feature! :slight_smile:

Many thanks.

Right click on the avast! blue ball icon in the active taskbar down in the lower right then select avast! Log Viewer then select Notice to see the log of the updates.

Did you completely remove Norton when you had it with the Norton Remover tool as Norton leaves tons of junk behind after an un-install?

Hi YoKenny!

The Notice section in Log Viewer only shows the following:

“There is a new version of the program available on the internet”

This is dated 11/09/09 and refers to application 1268.

Would all update notices normally be recorded here?

As for Norton, I did use the Norton Remover tool which hopefully has eradicated all trace of it… although I’m sure I will find something on the C Drive at some point! :slight_smile:

Program updates Ask that is what is reported in the log and you should have Updated as the latest version is 4.8.1351.

The VPS updates (default setting) are Automatically downloaded when available provided you didn’t change any avast update settings, see image.