Hi all
For the last couple of nights, when I’ve been playing Lord of the Rings Online, I hear the message “Virus database has been updated” and the screen goes black. Nothing works, tried alt-tab, ctrl-alt-delete etc.
The game music carries on playing until I ctrl-alt-delete, then it gets stuck and I get that awful noise you get from the speakers when a sound is hung and rapidly plays the same note over and over again.
Only option has been to hold the power button in for a few secs to switch off.
I don’t see the little blue box telling me it’s been updating, could it be that there’s some conflict between the game hogging the screen and avast trying to draw on it?
Is there a way for auto updates to run silently? I’ve only had this problem a couple of days.
4.8 Home
Vista 64 premium
768mb Nvidia 8800 GTX