Auto Update problem

Hi all,

I’ve got a question concerning the auto update function of avast. I’m only using 3 of the 5 given avast resident scanner (I’ve not installed P2P and outlook as I don’t need them) and each time that avast update automatically, the whole set of the 5 scanners is re-installed. Is there a way to avoid that ?

Thanks in advance :wink:

I know this problem too. It is another thing that happens as a result of avast’s autofix feature where the program detects if any components arent as they were upon install.

Even if you uninstall the providers they will come back everytime it checks. The only way to avoid this is to uninstall the program and install again but select custom install. Then de-select the providers you don’t want. Then all will be well.

Hard to believe ;D

You should:
a) be sure you have latest version (289)
b) reboot right after modification of providers from control panel.

For me, kubecj advice works perfectly… The avast updates does not ‘autofix’ (better it was ‘automess’) the installed modules… :wink: