I use my laptop at some wifi hotspots but by the time I start up the computer and log in to their hotspot my virus definitions are out of date. Is there a way to fix this without updating manually? I have v.7.0.1474 with windows 7.
is your update settings sett to “i am always connected to internet” and no proxy ?
No, but I will try that!
Hmmm… What are you saying exactly or, better, what do you want: that avast! is updated before you connect?
Did not work!
does your avast not autoupdate at all?
It does but only after 4 hours. When I first boot up in the morning it doesn’t when I"m at a wifi hotspot because I have to log in to the wifi and by the time I do it will be out dated.
what is this wifi hot spot you use?
and why must you logg In ?