While working with AutoCAD Mechanical Desktop 2008 I receive the following message when attempting to save a drawing.
Unable to save to drawing ….dwg
Drawing saved to … creating Sav.tmp
This process also deletes the .dwg file.
I found that this only happens with Mechanical Desktop 2008 and not Land Desktop 2008 and only every other attempt to save the drawing file to a place on the network drive.
This problem does not occur when saving the file to my local drive.
I also found that this only happens when the AVAST on Access Scanner is functioning. This problem stops when I turn it off.
This problem started within the last week or so. Before that I had no problem saving files.
Any suggestions on how to fix this or do I need to wait for AVAST send out an update?
Have (or did) you another AV installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?
The reason I ask, is this sounds like a conflict of some sort.
It is certainly strange that it only happens so inconsistently. If it were truly a problem with avast I would expect it to be consistent in both the Mechanical Desktop 2008 and the Land Desktop 2008 and every attempt to save the drawing file to a place on the network drive.
The only AV program that I have had on my machine for the last year is AVAST. I had Norton installed on my system prior to. I am not completely sure how I uninstalled it but I imagine that I either used the uninstall or the add remove programs. I always make it a point not to just delete a program.
I also haven’t installed any new programs for a month or so. It is strange that it is only happening with MDT and not LDT and only started within the last week.
I read on other forums that the problem had happened this same way in the past with another AV program. This is what made me try turning off AVAST. I am sure that AVAST is the problem (or an accomplice) because the issue stops when I turn it off.
Try downloading and running the Norton Removal tool, this one linked from MajorGeeks.
This will remove any vestiges of Norton that may be having an affect.