

I want to know

how can I do autoconfig file , to configure system in “one” click?
avast screensaver
action on files
and notification

and do this after installation of antivirus, //professional and home

Is it possible?

Can you refrase your question? I don’t understand what you want.

Only in Professional version is possible the unattended (automatic) installation.
Under the File menu of Enhanced Interface you have the Silent Installation.
Just try it 8)

I know about unattended installation, //i not got screen screen saver configured after unattended install :frowning: or i am unlucky

But how to configured avast from some config file after installation?

It is takes time to configure each new computer with avast that was already installed.
Do you have some ideas about how to do it fast?

//I nee to reconfigure avast screen saver on what action it will do and what additional archives to scan
//damn I did one bad config on a lot of comps in screen saver that need to be fixed :frowning:

No, some settings are not present in the unattended installation. Sorry… :-\ :cry:

is it something that can be added in the next version?

And where in the registry/file I can change avast screensaver settings?//are they crypted?

Well, that’s not how it was meant. The settings should be set before the silent installation is created.
So, are you saying that the silent installation mostly works for you, just the settings of screen saver are not preserved (“installed”) as set on the original computer?

Yes. It is true.

Is it possible to change setttings for avast screensaver without opening desktop properties?

I mean through console.

Where it’s keeping settings?

As far as I know, the settings are stored in the “task storage” - i.e. in avast4.mdb (or avast4.xml, if XML storage is specified) file. It may not be what you want to modify manually, I’m afraid.

I am afraid so, modife or replace, if it is not exist some other ways, at least reset to default all avast screensaver settings

Vlk always says: Don’t manually change avast4.mdb or avast4.xml, you’ll mess avast! behavior! :wink:

I try to remove avast4.mdb and it works,
Efter computer restarting avast creating one new copy of avast4.mdb
with default settings and for screensaver too. :slight_smile: