Hi, what setting needs to be set so that the avast! Warning doesn’t come up, instead it simply performes the default recommended action, say Move to chest.
It is possible in the Professional version of avast! - you can set the automated action on the “Virus” page of the task configuration.
In avast! Home, it’s possible to use so called “Silent mode” for the resident protection (it can be enabled in the configuration of the respective resident provider).
Thanks Igor.
In the home version, how do I get to the option to set silent mode?
avast! help file?
Click on Standard Shield and then on Customize.
Go to Advanced tab and select Silent Mode and the default answer No.
Personally I don’t use silent mode, because I want to know what is going on with my system. If someone is getting so many warnings of virus infection, infected emails, etc. that they become intrusive, then it is time to review their security practice - filter emails at source, delete from server rather than download them, sites they visit, etc.
Leave the file in the chest for a week or two (it can do no harm from there) to ensure no adverse effect from being moved to the chest. Then scan the file again in the chest to ensure it is still detected as infected and if so delete it from the chest.
This is for the Standard Shield and would need to be done for each provider.
Thanks DavidR, it wasn’t clear to me where to find the “options” type menu.
The wife was getting annoyed by it popping up a couple of times a day, usually to report a Trojan.
One more question, now it is set to silent with a ‘No’ response, how do I set it to ‘send to chest’ ?
It’s just this, the default answer No will send the file (email) to Chest.