Automatic renewal

I thought you guys don’t do automatic renewal will i got charged $37 for it and i stop using Avast cause you guys block 90% of the system trusted files and it is in my paypal is there a way to refund this?

Use this form and include receipt number.

With all due respect if you had paid more attention you would have seen an
“opt-out” for auto-renewal.

90% and you can still boot your system?
You must have a real magical system.

i didnt mean by operating system i meant the file from roaming or from steam or any game that is trusted to me or has been updated and patched or any installed program that is updating one of the file will get blocked off then i have to turn off the file protection and web protection just to get it updated putting it on exclusion does not work even sand box does not work for me reporting a false report i forgot what it called it still does not work so i have to stop using this. and yes i have a new computer i don’t want to deal with a program that Avast blocked a file that i could not re download or re install to fix the issue so yea i got new computer.