Automatic update Avast home on XP home edition

I’ve just upgrade from Avast 3 to v4.1.268 Home, so i’ve utilized the same license code (is it right?).

Now, in planned operations, i see:

planning = on system boot
last execution = never
reason : the planned operation has not been executed. They have been not corrected password or name customer (???)

planning = on system boot
last execution = never
reason : impossible to start

My connection is adsl (but not always connected), then selected “dial-up connection” and “automatic” virus database.

How can i update automatically Avast to every internet connection?


So… what exactly is the question?

The two scheduler items can be removed, they’re left by the avast32 3.0. uninstaller. avast 4 has its own auto-update mechanisms, you don’t have to set up anything…

And yes, you can use the same license key.


Hy Vlk, tks for answer

Sorry, now i know.

Thank’s a lot :slight_smile: