In ADMN there is no option to have the managed clients update the program automatically, only the virus definition files. I have had a number of my users mention the little green popup window they get when notified of a program update, and it would be much easier if I could set the ADMN to have the clients update automatically, and just give the user the notification that the program update will not be in effect until the computer restarts.
Is there some sort of script or line of code I can modify that I could use to automate this?
if you don’t want that your users recive the green popup window when an update is abale, you must swicht off this option: Computer Catalog → Options → policies avast! antivirus → Updates → Program Update: MANUAL.
Then, when a new update is able, you must configure a new “Updating Tasks”, to update the whole program.
Pay attention in the reboot options.
In the last year there are only 6 updates, run an “Updating Tasks” is not a heavy work.