automatic update

Avast4 Home edition - prompts me for an update (I am not sure if it is software or data update). The following dialog box ends in an error: saying Server could not be “downloaded” - I am not sure what that means.

It could be that my ZoneAlarm is interfering; it could be that I am not known to the server because perhaps the registration is glitched; or else something else is happening.

Any ideas?

Please, always post full error messages. Without them we may only guess. Or consult your setup.log file from avast4\setup directory.

The whole error message is
“Error: Can not connect to server”
Server www.asw.cs [unknown: 80] is down

I hope this helps.


that means that avast update can’t connect to that site. If the problem persists, you may check the settings of your firewall/proxy.

You may also test the proxy via: Settings/Updates/Advanced/Proxy/Test button.