Automatic updates going to GTE Security

Hi I love your program and thank you for providing it to us free. :wink: I have a problem with Avast constantly going automatic udate and trying to access GTE Security at supposedly for an update. The program tried to access GTE Security over 1000 times last weekend. Is this a NORMAL method of getting to your servers, thru GTE? And what does GTE have to do with updates? :frowning: If this is normal than let me know and I will remove Avast from my computer. If it is not and GTE Security is masking your access to covertly monitor my computer I will take it up with them. Please let me know your correct update servers address and if this is normal. Thank You
Also I cannot email your support via


What is GTE Security? What does it have to do with avast?

Sorry, I’m confused by your question. Could you please rephrase it?

FYI, avast updates from one of your 4 servers. All of them are physically ours and no one else has any access to them. The default update period is 4 hours, so during a weekend you’d typically see about 15 requests…


Dear Sirs,
I am getting paranoid by the minute. I can’t get
thru to you with out much effort because I think of the nature of my complaint. I am receiing over a thousand hits from, allegedly, my Avast attempting to update. The address that it is attempting to hit is which is GTE Security an affiliate of my ISP, Verizon. Judging from your reply I think GTE is redirecting my Avast program to them somehow. I have a spyware program called Adware from Lavasoft and I noticed that updates for that program is doing the same thing. I just want to hear from you that their IP address has nothing to do with you. I will take it up with them when you confirm my suspicions. I hate intrusions into my system from any spyware program and I think this is one of them.
T. Wood

Check out this link, courtesy of

It appears that the address is sending out probes on port 53/udp.

Are you sure it’s not just your DNS server?

I suspect it is just my DNS server but they are masking their name with the Avast program. I wrote them when I changed to DSL and told them I didn’t want any of their services except internet access and to stay off my system. They evidently found a way to cover their access and now are using your name so their software can phone home. It is not coming from them it is my system under the name of Avast trying to get out to them. That chart from the sight you sent me to in the previous email looks nothing like my firewall log. Every attempt to get to there IPN says it is Avast requesting it. According to the Incident Report my firewall (ZoneAlarm) is part of the problem. I will contact them today and probe this from their viewpoint. I thank you for your time and am confident Avast has nothing to do with it.

It may be caused by the “ping” command that avast uses to find out whether a connection is available. To disable this pinging, please try to insert the following 2 lines to the end of the \data\avast4.ini file:


Then reboot, and see if anything changes. For this to work, you need to have at least avast version 4.0.183
