Im using a sify broadband connection in india. It is provided through LAN. And im online only when i use the sify client to enter my username and password and log on. Otherwise im just connected to the LAN and not the internet. My problem is that i’ve tried all options and avast just does not update automatically! Please help!!!
right-click the avast logo on taskabar(blue rolling ball) → Program settings → then there are two update sections, update basic and update conections, chek if you have selected:
There is virus database section that has three check boxes, choose Automatic
There choose; My computer is permanently connected to the internet.
One additional question, if you use a software firewall, have you granted permission to use internet for avast! ?
The update settings, both basic and connections, are as u specified. See the thing is, if i check "my computer is permanently connected to the internet, avast should check for updates when i start my computer. If no new update is available, it should re-check after 4 hours right?? But it does not do that! I have to manually update! And if i leave both options unchecked, it should ping the avast servers every 40 seconds, which again it does not! Dont know what the problem is! And no firewall problem. I checked that too.
Hi kalpik, I had the very same problem & found that by selecting both options in " Update (connections) " at the same time, got things working again.
(sorry if this is the second time I have sent this reply but don’t think the first went through )
Can you manually update avast?
Is avast.setup allowed to connect the Internet?
If you’re online only after you logon, it’ll be better to check only ‘dial-up’ (and not the permanent connection) into the Updates (Basic) tab of settings.