Hello all.
Is there actually some problem with automatic VPS updates? I have avast 7 on both my machines and today they just refuse to search for automatic updates on their own. Manual update works, the problem didn’t vanish after repair of avast program. If it was on one machine only I wouldn’t ask this question, but on both? And my neighboor says he has same problem since this morning.
Exactly same prob here.
Tried repair but still no autoupdate.
Tried reinstall but still no autoupdate.
Manual update works fine.
Connection is shown established.
I am from India.
Win 7 64
Thank you for your reply!
Iam from Czech and I have XP 3 on both computers.
How do you know it did not auto update…
Avast look for updates just after startup…then evry 240min if it stay on (default)
Do you recive stream update…if so you have all updates
How do I know? When I turned pc up, nothing. I let it be and after some time I got on my netbook where last VPS was from 22.2. so I knew there was new one but it didn’t update on it’s own. I had to do it manualy before I switched netbook off after two hours of work.
And yes, stream updates works, luckily.
Unless avast give a error message it should not be a problem
Checked update settings. … tried always connected no proxy
So it’ll corects itself or what?
Yes streaming updates are fine.
Autoupdate prob. When autoupdate happens a process inst or something appears in the taskmanager. I tried 3-4 times, restarting the system & waiting for a long time but autoupdate is not happening, the above mentioned process also didn’t appear in taskmanager.
It was working till afternoon i.e I had the latest update i.e today 24.
I have Avast installer with Jan 17 updates. Installed on other system & didn’t autoupdate. So I uninstalled & reinstalled Avast on my personal system & no autoupdate.
Automatic update still not working here
You might want to upgrade to v2014. In your post you indicate that you are still using v7.0.
That’s old technology. v2014 has continuous streaming updates so the need for regular vps
updates is greatly diminished. Also v2014 has a different server for vps updates for better service.
Use this http://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avastclear.exe
Then install your choice…
I know you mean it in good terms, but I don’t want to change anything. As well as it works I stick with it. Also, when version 8 didn’t work properly on any of my machines, why the version 9 should?
And also, this isn’t the solution for the problem I asked.
I have v2014 and I get auto-updates.
Have you even tried to install v2014?
FYI v2014 offers better protection than any previous version.
If you decide to upgrade to v2014 use the custom install.
FYI… Just signed on PC and version 9 Updated immediately to 140224-0
FYI I have tried 2014 version when it came out, but it borked my computer. I’ve lost connection to internet and it have shut down in Blue screen of death. So after that I’ve returned to last version which worked on my pc.
So, what now, gentlemen?
A lot of bugs have been ironed out with the latest v 9.0.2013 compared to the first releases of v2014. I’m not saying there still isn’t some issues since every system setup is different, however, how would you know you don’t have an issue with the latest version unless you do not try?
As I said, I am afraid to do so. When something works (albeit not right now in the right sense) I stick with it. I want to keep version 7. Where’s the problem? Is it old? So?
Security wise, v9 is far better with the advanced technology, strong VPS updates and CSU. On top of this, it’ll detect malware which v7 could not detect (not everything is based on signatures). On the other hand, I’d agree that v7 is the most stable avast! release for many people but it’s not the best for security purposes. It’s like running a car without a current MOT certificate.
Tis true, I get that.
As mentioned however, the best ‘effective’ security possible really is the end game.
Having said that, I also agree with the statement that so much depends on OS configuration and other installed software.
Myself personal, am not totally satisfied with version 9 however I do believe Avast is geared in the right direction with security.
Thank you both for understanding.
I still hope this problem with autoupdate will sort out
There is nothing wrong with your reluctance. However avast has made some major leaps in detection
since v7.0.
But it’s your computer.
I wish you well.