Autorun update in XP and Vista

Hi malware fighters,

This could be an important issue in case of a new worm outbreak, if less users are vulnerable this will also lead to less infections. Read the article “Update to the AutoPlay functionality in Windows”:
So if you choose the uptional download, infections from USB autorun infected computers could be less.
you could also additionally use this:


hi pol,

edit : usb write block, will it work only until i disconnect it from my pc. in the sense, if i enable write block and remove the usb and put it in other system, can i write into it or not?

I wonder why this one wasn’t included in the last Patch Tuesday (even if not classed as critical) ???


It is considered an optional patch. Not exactly aware why it is not considered essential and why it was not launched at the days of the Conficker threat raging. As an essential it could also protect those that are endangered by actions of the unaware. Also Microsoft left a TCP-hole not patched for WK2 and XP, see:
on grounds that were criticised by some security experts,

Yes you can toggle with it for all pendrives on a particular machine,


It really has too many security implications to be considered optional.

Mind you nothing more than I would expect from them when they try to slip non critical stuff into auto updates, like the proverbial WGA :stuck_out_tongue:

Not needed for Windows 7.

I guess WGA is only useful for Genuine Windows systems. :smiley:

Yes, that’s the irony of it, those without legit copies don’t bother with updates so aren’t troubled/bothered about it.

Thanks polonus.