AutoSandBox for LOCAL files???

This AutoSandBox feature has been frustrating from the start. It flags virtually everything run from our file server with a question. For common things, we’ve taken the time to add exceptions, which have to change often due to path changes for different versions. That is frustrating.

Over the past week or two, Avast has begun flagging programs from the C: drive in this same manner. Not ALL programs. Just SOME programs. And it doesn’t seem to be the same programs for each user.

So, if I’m running a program I INSTALLED on my own computer from a directory on my own computer, why is avast! questioning it??

Version 6.0.1373 on Windows 7.

For now, I think I will have to disable the entire feature.

it completely depends on what your installed program tries to do which activates the sandbox.

that you installed the software doesnt mean it is actually safe. It will probably happen more with unsigned programs then signed programs.
If a piece of software is infected but the infection is not detected yet, then you claim it should not be detected anymore because you choose to install it, even tho you dont know it was infected.

in my business environment i have chosen to disable the sandbox feature.