Autosandbox problem, cannot exclude file automatically

I am using WinAVR, a set of tool and GCC toolchain for AVR CPU. Problem is autosandbox wants to sandbox everything, make.exe, sh.exe, avr-gcc.exe, etc.

On the final popup, if I choose “Next time, launch the program normally”, it is not added up to the exclusion list.

I have to disable autosandbox completely.

I have same issue with v6.0.1373 of Avast Business Protection (managed AV) Even if I go into the settings of the File System Shield and specifically add the exclusion to the AutoSandbox screen, the next time I reboot, those settings are gone.

at Magister: what version of Avast! ur using? the latest version 7.0.1426 should have solved the problem of faulty exclusions in the previous release.

if ur using the latest version, please proceed to try a repair of Avast!

if that does not work, i suggest

  1. Download a fresh Avast! 7 package from (to reduce chance of corrupted install)
  2. uninstalling Avast! the normal way with windows
  3. run Avast! uninstall utility (please do it in SAFE MODE! )
  4. run the uninstall utility (2 TIMES) total, one for Avast! 7
  5. reboot and go into safe mode once more, second time for Avast! 6 (if u updated from Avast! 6)
  6. reboot again, this time to normal windows mode
  7. install the fresh package
  8. please report ur findings here =)

Saw this old post so thought I would add the solution for my particular case to the archive.

Since I am using Avast Business Protection product which has a console for user management, the settings entered in the console supersede any setting changes made on the desktop. i was only able to make changes at the desktop level since i am the admin and have the password. Guess i should have known better. Users cannot make changes like I was doing. If I make the changes in the console, then they get pushed out to the desktops and all is good.