autostart programs in windows system tray?

anyone knows how to autostart programs in windows system tray minimized during bootup?

Just because a program is minimized, doesn’t mean it’s not running.
Any further information as to what the program is or is not doing would help.
Which program?

I think it may be as simple as adding -minimized after the run command (leave a space before the -minimized). I think I have seen this somewhere before, but can’t be certain if it was -minimized or - minimized.

However, as Bob mentions, what is it you are trying to minimize and why ?
Most programs that start on boot (exceptions in msconfig, startup tab) that I have seen in the past tend to be running in the background or system tray or are services, etc.

Many programs in their settings have an option to minimise to the system tray.

I know programs that could ‘send’ applications to system tray.
I know programs that manage autostart items.
But I don’t know one that makes both functions… ??? ::slight_smile:

Thanks everyone,

I’m trying to autostart Process Explorer from Sysinternals…anyway I fixed it…by using the command-line operator [/t] ;D

Process Explorer has a wonderful function already built-in. See this screenshot. It completely replaces your Task Manager and it is accessible by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL at any time. You just have to checkmark that option.

yea i know…thanks sasha…i mean i want it to start minimized in system tray everytime i bootup…anyway it can be done by the command-line operator [/t]…