Autoupdate runs more than settings

So auto update is set for every 1880 minutes, that’s every 31 hours. Yet if I do something and need to reboot it will frequently update, or at least pop up and tell me it has updated. Very annoying. Haven’t found any other post re: same issue. So why is this happening? Can’t the appl understand 1880 minutes?

The only solution is to change from auto update to ‘ask when update is available’. Which isn’t a huge deal. Any thoughts?



avast check for updates when it detect connection after start… then the time start to run if computer is left on, and default is 240 min

and then you have stream updates that comes in evry 5min. :slight_smile:

Avast always checks for an update after system start and is not reliant on the set interval.

I don’t see the point in setting the updates as you have done ??? you would still be receiving the streaming updates so essentially you are receiving new signatures anyway whether you set the time to delayed or not.

yes in fact after avast started with stream updates i dont see the point in that time setting/adjustment anymore?