I have avast on my windows 8 and seems is working fine however I notice that going for updates takes lots of time. Now I can see that the last time it tried was Yesterday on 1815. Usually on windows 7 when rebooting avast goes looking for updates. This is not happening on widows 8. I make a repair on control panel and uninstal avast and reinstall it with reboots between them and again with no result. There are not any antivirus software installed.
I notice that the stream update is running ok with looking for it frequently. I also tried configure as a dialup connection, always connect and with no option signaled- I can update manually the virus definition ok. Any solution for this ? The clock and date are ok
This is a new Samsung notebook with widows 8 already with windows 8
I had explained what is happened with the update of the virus definition in windows 8 in my post:
"Hello All!
I believe I found out what is happening in windows 8…
When you shut down windows 8, in fact it enters in hibernate state. Only restart makes it really shut down the computer before it turn on again.
So, when you turn on your windows 8, it will make its start from the latest state of you machine.
In other words, lets say avast updates right now. And you turn off the computer right after the update.
Two days later you turn on the computer again. It will not auto update as soon as you turn on the machine (like happens with windows 7, vista, xp, etc). You will have to wait 4 hours with the computer turned on, to avast starts its auto update cicle (default is 4 hours) and you be able to get the latest definitions…"
I did that and with no proxy it updated after reboot . Seems problem solved thanks your quick help.
The Norton was installed but I remove it on control panel and with Norton removing tool.
Best regards
When looking for a solution many times I used the restart and the problem persisted. Even when i get an update and keep the computer running more than the default 240 mts the ckecking for updates keeps stopped. Anyway seems that with the no proxy solution from Pondus solved the problem
Despite the solutions given apparently works in first two days, now the problem reappears and only occasionally works. Reboot and restart goes to check for updates but ignores them. After 6 hours with computer running there are no more checkups. After 2 or 3 reboots/restart suddenly the update was done. I tried all possible configuration for auto update without success. There are no more AVs insttalled. The initial installed Norton was removed with control panel and Norton removing tool. Any idea ?
You might waste a few minutes by doing a search on your computer for “Norton” and “Symantec” separately and then remove all the folders and files in those folders along with any files you find with the words Norton or Symantec.
After you have made sure that there are no Norton/Symantec folders or files left on your computer, clean you “C” drive using CCleaner. I would also clean the registry though many would say this is not a good idea. Then uninstall and re-install avast! if you did find any Norton/Symantec folders/files on your computer.
You are right , there a lot of Norton fles and folders. I follow your help and in the next days I will see if the problem was solved.
Tks and best regards