Av security suite giving me fits

:'(I have the newest avast security, paid for 2 yr. 3 pc. Av security suite virus blew right past it. Now my computer is practically unusable. Put Spyware Doctor on it according to this forums instructions and virus won’t let it run. Thank goodness I can still get online with this other pc. Please help? :o

Try free Mbam…! http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php

Put Spyware Doctor on it according to this forums instructions
are you sure somone in this forum recomended it ?, as far as i know with Spyware Doctor you have to pay for removal...... Most users in this forum would recomend malwarebytes and/or superantispyware as they remove the bugs for free

Here is a recent mbam security alert


When on the internet and you are suddenly confronted by an unexpected analysis of malware on yr computer, particularly where there is included a mass of virus detections, you very likely have a Fake AV.

You need to carefully back out of yr open pages step by step (this what saved me in my one experience) - any click anywhere on a page that is not to close down a window or Cancel or Exit or the same, will be taken as an OK and the malware will injekt a payload into yr system. After which it will be very difficult to remove the malware.

:-\Well, installed malwarbytes but Av security suite won’t let it start. Any other suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks to those of you who have tried to help.

If you’re on a 32bit system, run a boot time scan with avast.

??? I don’t know to run a boot scan and didn’t make a rescue cd, my bad :-[

Go to avast! User inteface then Boot-time Scan by opening avast! User interface then select select it to run.

:'(Did the boot scan, still have the virus, no change.

If you can’t get malwarebytes to run, it is blocking it. Try in safe mode


;D Thanks for all the help Malwarebytes finally worked, great work pros. :smiley:

Good, it worked…!!
Now you should hide your emailaddress in the forum, else it could get harvested by spambots…!