AV test

Any comments? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello vienna75,

as you ask about comments about a website and nothing specific for avast! 4 Home/Pro, I think it would be better if you wrote it into the General topics.
I personally like that website, but as I am the owner of it… :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:
BTW, vienna75, what is your opinion?


I think its a nice site and the tests are fair, do you send the virus to the anti-virus company so they can add it to there virus database?

yes, you can read about that in PDF report (3).

Ok,How come you dont test AVG?

AVG will be included in the next test series (of the year 2005).
I test only some selected scan engines; in order to get tested some conditions have to be filled and I also want the permission from the company etc. before I include their product. Some weeks ago I finally got the permission and the conditions seems to be fulfilled now, so, I plan to include it next year.

The online comparisons look iffy in Firefox.

some few Firefox-Users have to do the following in that case:
also some other settings would work, but this is the easiest way.


hope this helps :wink:

Yes that did help, never knew I could do anything like that.
Maybe it will work for other pages that look wonky in Firefox.

Hi! only one thing is important ;very good results with a normal scan.I hope the next test will be done with advanced one.gyl