AVAGENT using 100% CPU for long periods of time

The AvAgent.exe is using 100% of CPU for long periods of time… usually in the morning.
Then it will go back to normal for half a day or so and then high again.
Idle Session Total time is comperABLE TO to the AvAgent total Cpu time after 1.5 days of system uptime. 18 hours Idle Time, 12 hours AvAgent.

This only happens on the exchange - Domain Controler System.
All Other Clients and Server systems have no problems.
I am on Testing - Evaluating Period, but now have used up all my time and have to make a decision wether to keep and buy or change.
Also last week I found that a new virus that symantec identifies as w32.blackmal@? was not identified and cleaned from avast system.

Can you provide any info I had Exchange Scanning to a minimum to make sure that it was not coming from the settings. Now I tried disabling VRDB Geeration but I whould like to know what AVAgent is responsible for.

Was it really AvAgent.exe? (and not aswServ.exe?)

If so, it must’ve been a scheduled scan (a scan scheduled from the management server…).

Can you check, in the ADNM console, if there’re any client-side sessions that may correspond to this?


I Believe that there Are Sceduled Scans running but also they should have finished by then.
I find it really difficult to find out exactly when and how they are run…
OK There Was a task sceduled to run after 22:00 but I don’t know if there is a problem with sceduling and runs different times… I have now resceduled to run only on Saturdays evening… I will see if this makes a difference. I will let you know in a few days…
Thanks for answering… I have Posted before but got no answer. Can I ask one more think. . As the Demo period is ending what will happen…? I need to finish with problem solving and testing before I can order and secure funds as well.
Finally it seemed a long time before blackmal was updated and found… Now I know it works but I got the virus a few days earlier that the scanner identified him. This is very important. Is there a service I can send Suspect Files?

Sorry for the long questions…
Hope I can get A reply Too.
Please note, that the same scedule was running on all server, but only excange one got so but performance… all others did not show any sign of slow done or extreme processes. That includes Large Database Server with really big files…
Strange? we will know more in a few days.

The new version (due in a couple of days) will actually indicate (in the task bar) that a scheduled scan is taking place. This should “resolve” the problem (so that you’ll know what’s going on).


TODAY the AvAgent seems to work fine.
Propably was the sceduled scan but we will know for sure in a few days…
Is there a reason you don’t try to answer my other questions? Should I post seperately for each problem - question and maybe on a different forum?
Please help a little.