Avas! Disable My NetWork Adapter...Windows 8

suddenly the network notification get the RED X after second it gets the yellow triangle and i hear vibration from my speakers and i must restart my computer to get everything ok again.

when i open Device Manager i see


after i restart my pc the adapter works but the Device Manager still bugged

i can’t upload images on imageshack.us or upload files on mediafire unless i disable avast ! if it’s enabled imageshack message “no files were uploaded” appear and on mediafire i get failure (i think it’s web-shield problem)

I suggest you manually remove all the defective items (right clicking them).
Repair your avast! installation through Control Panel.

I’m having this same problem. I have gotten rid of the “avast! Firewall NDIS Filter miniport #_ _” several times daily & they keep coming back. I have to uninstall them & then troubleshoot my wireless adapter each time I want to use my WIFI. How can I fix this?

Apply the patch for Windows 8. http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=108441.msg857999#msg857999

when i click uninstall on them nothing happens and i still have the problem

Download the avast! uninstaller tool and try an installation from scratch.

well,same problem but no “avas firewall” appears in Device manager , only Qualcomm and krnel

click on icon avast! Firewall NDIS Filter Miniport with right mouse button
and enable choice
if not solve click verify that changes in driver


ok i’ll try . thanks for replay :wink: