Thunderbird is unable to sent Mails on many Windows Systems since Avast Update 10.3.2223
The Problem is not the Mail Security , its the Filesystem Security , which blocks
from beeing used while sending Mails via Thunderbird.
Uninstall / New Install is useless.
To define Exceptions for nsemail.html is useless, only deactivating the whole
FileSystem Security enables Thunderbird to work fine.
Hope this Problem will be fixed in the next Update
Still present with V10.3.2225, virus def V150818-0. Is this problem going to get fixed anytime soon? It’s getting to be a real pain having to suspend Avast file check everythime I want to send an email.
As i described, its not the already known Issue with
Certificates and the Mail Security , its a Problem with the
Filesystem Security. Importing the MailShield Certificates
doesn’t change anything.
I can’t recognize the combination of OS/Avast/32/64/other
Programs yet, which results in this Issue, but I think
about 30% of the Windows PCs with Thunderbird installed
have this Problem.
May be its a Problem with German Versions only (but i don’t think so)
In our Business, we use another AntiVirus Software. I only help
people with Avast and there private PCs or Notebooks, so I have
no Inventary, where I can get any Statistics about the OSSes & Co.
Most of the people I helpded by phone, so I never saw there Systems.
But I think there were about 15 People, who asked me about the
same Problem after the Update 10.3.2223. So it’s not a rare Issue.
Unfortunately I don’t have the time yet to test all OS Kombinations.
Perhaps it would be better, that other Users with this Problem post
there Windows Configuration/language/32/64 to get hints to the
problematic Systems.
My avast (free) and Thunderbird are both up to date, and I’ve never had any problem with them conflicting on my system (Win 7 x64). Possibly, as you suggested, it’s a regional-setup issue.
Yeah, that worked for me. The secret is the wildcard path. It still appends “This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.” to my emails though, which is a bit cheeky in circumstances.
thanks catabotz,
that’s a temporary Solution. I tried a couple of Fileexclusions, which
all (except *.html ) have no Effect , but *\nsemail.html works and
seems to be secure enough in aspiration of solving this Problem
at the root by Avast in the next days/weeks.
@Maxwell Systems
I won’t hope , that the Mail Promotion Attachment has something
to do with this Problem.
I had also problems whith sending emails - I got timeouts from the mail server.
Try to switch off the scans at sending mails. From a clean system you cannot send malware.
January 2016 - in the meantime I activated scans while sending emails again.
It works with an actual TB and actual Avast free.
Same for me: win xp sp3, avast 10.3.2225 (italian version) and thunderbird 38.2.0.
Disabling avast protection error disappear.
Moreover avast stopped PDF24 (freeware virtual printer) to function, the error is related to writing of a temporary file (same as TB). Seems to me that AVAST 10.2.2225 has some sort of filter for temporary files.