Avast 17.1.2286 Issues

Hi There

First Issue

Slow bootup, not sure why

Second issue Full scan progress doesn’t move right

(clean install of Online version)

tried Windows Defender for a day, and it worked ok, but I prefer avast I decided, Windows 10 Pro 64bit 14393.726

Should I do another clean install with Offline file? or wait til bugs are fixed then do one?

On the AMD FX Desktop the issues are. I guess I shouldn’t tried Defender for a brief time lol, but I know I can fix the other issues I think lol

Also in Programs & Features Shows No disk space used, is Avast installed right

I have the same problem, slow boot in Windows 10 64 bits and avast free 17.1.2286. Did not happen with avast free 2016.

Also Noticied Doesn’t show up in Reliability History in Windows 10 Pro 64bit 14393.726 here, Overall though isn’t working too badly I guess for most part, hopefully soon all the minor and major bugs will be solved, and all will be well once again

The not correct showing of the scan process is a known issue and avast is working on it.

Thank you Eddy, waits for the fix patch and relaxes knowing it’s a known issue now, though I did see the other topics after I posted this one late last night from phone browser