I am running Avast Free AV along with Comodo Firewall on my windows 10 PC.
With the 17.1.2286 Avast version, for some reason, my programs won’t run normally and
I get the dreaded “The application failed to start correctly 0xc00000e5” error.
Also, I cannot connect to the Internet!
So I turned off Comodo, and turned off all components of Avast.
That did not help, still can’t connect to the internet.
So I downloaded avastclear.exe from avast using a different computer, transferred it to the problem PC via a USB stick, and ran it in safe mode. That did not work, so after waiting a while, I restarted the computer in normal mode, and ran avastclear.exe It automatically makes you restart in safe mode and I thought that might help. But… it is still stuck at : “Launching executable file : wsc_proxy.exe /svc /unregister /firewall”
Does it need an internet connection in order to work?
How do I get around this problem?
I don’t really want to get rid of Avast, but version 17.1.2286 seems to have issues that are preventing me from using the computer.
Any ideas?