The problem is this isn't just one user, in the same way why should one user say everyone should conform with their way of thinking. We all use computers differently and certainly that won't change. Avast has to come up with a policy that is going to apply to hundreds of millions of users not one or two.
As from I can understand from your post you don’t like the automatic update because you are scared or you think (as is true) that some user will be scared about update in busy PC time.
I can inform you that my alert regarding a BUG or issue will not affect you: you can set update to be manual and you can already now set Avast to just alert when a new version is avaiable without update by himself.
I AM reporting an issue that is not yours and is not applicable in your case and seems for you all works fine… I know you have no issue with Avast and this but in my case there are something who is not working as is expect to do.
I AM not telling you that my vision must be the vision of all, I AM reporting an issue, something that is not working so I think your post is not helping me to resolve this issue.
Please let the discussion as is and relax, do not be worried: I AM not asking to force automatic program update for all. You can relax
David I appreciate your help with your messages but I do not need support just because I do not know how to use the Avast software.
I AM reporting a BUG / ISSUE, maybe the forum is not the right place for do that, I will try other way to get in touch with Avast and report the issue.
Thank you,
have a good time on the forum
You know absolutely nothing about me, so your comment about being scared is insulting and absolute crap. I’m more than capable of looking after my systems, I look beyond how it might effect me but how it might effect other avast users.
You know absolutely nothing about me, so your comment about being scared is insulting and absolute crap. I'm more than capable of looking after my systems, I look beyond how it might effect me but how it might effect other avast users.
I Am not insulting you David,
if this is your interpretation this message will clarify it.
I AM saying that from what you wrote seems you do not like auto update because as you said, users can do not want this when the PC is busy.
You said to me:
The problem is this isn't just one user, in the same way why should one user say everyone should conform with their way of thinking.
this is little offensive to me as I AM not asking to decide for other users.
Please do not feel hit by me.
Thanks for your messages but doesn’t help me at all and I AM also telling to stay relaxed: I don’t want decide for all user and I will not asking to make Avast less better from what is now.
I AM also of the idea of leave the user the possibility to customize settings, one of this settings is not working. This just is the issue.
your comment about being scared is insulting and absolute crap
This seems not be nice. Crap seems to be not a nice word. I feel to have not wrote to you offensive words.
Scared is not a crap is an emotion, a feel... so before tell me I AM offensive please ... think.
I see in this way, I hope to be not wrong and have wrote all in the correct way as my english is not advanced
but usually I can understand and be understood.
I think we understand this. Maybe you expect too much.
You can relax
Yes, you too. For me this seems not a very urgent problem. Besides - I know users who stay with the previous version and wait until the really new troubles are solved.
My version 12 does a good job and protects my PC ;-)
Is all working for me (except automated update if settings password is set)
so if an user has no a setting password protected there are no issue and sure, PC is protected.
The issue of Avast Program version not updated is Medium severity. Is not an immediate issue who expose the PC to security issue but as I suggest Avast in this last month to inexpert PC user this will be a Medium issue because they do not stay to update the program so it’s important this automated update will be fixed.
Maybe I expect too much, maybe.
If I read on a settings that the program are able to auto update and is not and I report this is an issue, maybe you are right I AM expecting to much,
Thanks stibi
Except this issue Avast is working very well.
Should be maybe checked if auto update are broken only for program or also for viruses definitions if a password is set, but maybe viruses definition seems to be updated so to me the issue seems to be on the program version.
I AM sure this will be fixed soon so I AM relaxed just looked for support here but as I told maybe this is not the right place where report bug. This is more place where discuss and get help when you do not know well how to use Avast
I’am agree with peopleinside for this point.
I do not understand the intervention of David about a possible problem of choice that avast should done for some part of the users , or computers use.
It’s clear enough avast lets us choice (for 100% users).
For those like DavidR , they can disable auto-update (Right file)
For those like peopleinside , they can enable auto-update . (Left file)
Here It is “left file” right to say that it does not work like this should, without waiting for a notice from someone who does not use this function
However I’m not sure it does not work like it should even with auto-update enabled?
Does peopleinside always waiting for update at this time ?
Has he waited enough or forced it to update in manual ?
I have waited 3 days on two different PC no update has been made… also if you see under settings, update, and all update settings is indicated that after 240 minutes every 240 minutes an update should be automatically installed from what I can understand… also I see that after loggin with password and just use some settings Avast has updated… So I AM pretty sure there is a BUG issue but I have reported to avast privately by different way so Team of Avast will see the issue and if some Avast team read forum as I think, will see also this topic.
I have Avast set to “Ask when a update is available” and also have a password protecting the settings. When there is a update available, there is an exclamation point on the Avast Icon in the system tray. When I chose to update the program via the AvastUI, I must enter the password for things to continue. It seems logical that selecting automatic update would not negate the need to enter the password.
Yes but seems there is a bug. Avast are able to feel there are a new version also if I never enter the password because is happen that in those days I have casually opened Avast and under the statues I read need to be updated so started to have the doubt of issue. My PC is always on and Internet connected for all the day. In three days no update. At the final I have done manually or when I put password for enter in the settings and edited something Avast was able to update but… think something have issue.
It seems to you something related to password protect (just for this kind of users)
As far as I can see no one was able to confirm that the update of 2290 to 2291 (only this one) was automatically installed for those who have their parameters in automatic.
Let it be confirmed by at least one member ?
It seems to me that there are only forced updates in manual …?
Fix in 2291 was only (atypical) for crash installer , so for those who didn’t have issue instaling 2290 , It may not have been a necessity to update.
Maybe a bug for every body or no bugs at all ;D