We have an issue with this update and logitech c525, when we execute our app using directshow library the image is complete black, but in the logitech software and skype image is visible and clear.
We uninstall avast and everything works fine, we add some exception to the directory route and exe but nothing change.
Hi i have the same problem, I work with WIndows 7 x64 and Windows 10 x64
The problem is that dont show any webcam using Direct Show.
The problem started on 28 may of 2017 i think that with an update after midday
Avast doest now show anything but in passive mode , starts working all again (i have to restart the pc).
if i unnistall avast and restart the pc all start working again.
Any application working with directshow does not work Probably written in c# .net winforms or wpf (i have tryed both).
The only way to get webcams working in many programs is to place Avast in “Passive Mode” or uninstall. This seems to be a consistent issue, but has not attracted dev attention.