Avast 17.4.2294 Blocking Websites

I did Avast program update to 17.4.2294 on my Win 10 Pro laptop this morning.
After reboot, I was unable to navigate to any websites. They all timed out.
I still got email via Outlook and by all appearances I had internet access.

When I turned off Web Shield, everything works.
When I turn Web Shield back on, I cannot navigate to any website (including this one)

I cycled all of the Shields off and on again - No help
I went to Programs and Features and did a Repair on Avast - Rebooted - No help

Any ideas about what I can do will be much appreciated

Perform a clean installation of the latest avast version.

If that doesn’t solve it, provide more details like:
Exact OS/SP
Exact avast version
If there is (or was) any other security (related) software installed
If you are using a proxy

Thanks Eddy. A clean install did the trick for me.

No clue how avast does it, but many times just updating is not solving things and/or is creating new problems.

But good to hear at least your problem is solved.

I too have the same problem. Internet is working only if I disable avast. I tried repairing avast but no use.

I tried doing a repair too. It didn’t help. I then Uninstalled and re-downloaded. That did the trick.

Who is affected, please provide file version information for these files

“c:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\aswStreamFilter.dll”


To obtain the information, please just click on the file by right mouse and then select properties and Details Tab.

Provide screenshot or value of the FileVersion line.

Additionally, when you perform reboot of the computer, the problem persist or not ?

Sorry for inconvenience and thank you so much

Please find File version details.

aswStm.sys → 17.4.3482.0
aswStreamFilter.dll → 17.1.3394.0

I rebooted many times, no use. For posting this I turned avast off :-[.

Interestingly, all google sites working with avast.

Thank you.
This confirms our theory.

Could you please generate a support package and post its ID here? It will gather some additional info, that should allow us to pinpoint the issue.
Guide here: https://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB33

Thanks again for your help,

Sorry, Filip, I can’t generate a support package and ID now because my issue was gone. I did an uninstall with uninstall utility in safe mode and re-installed avast. Now everything working as expected.

File versions remain the same.

Could you please generate the support package anyway? We should still be able to get some useful information about the installation/update issue.
Thank you,

Hello everyone,

We were able to identify and fix the internet connectivity issue that occurred after the latest Avast 17.4 update.

The fix is being distributed via a micro-update to Avast Web Shield.

To download the fix, please follow these steps:

[ol]- Turn OFF Avast Web Shield (internet connectivity will start working)

  • In UI go to Protection > Antivirus and turn Web Shield OFF or
  • Right-click the Avast tray icon > Avast shields control > Disable permanently (to turn OFF all shields)
  • Go to your Avast installation folder - usually “C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast”
  • Run (double-click) AvEmUpdate.exe and confirm the UAC prompt
  • Avast will now silently apply the fix
  • Wait for about 5 minutes
  • Restart your computer
  • Turn Web Shield (or all shields) back ON
  • You are now again connected to the internet and protected[/ol]

Thank you for your patience and your help in resolving this issue.

Sincere apologies,
Avast team