AVAST 2.0 - mail scaner

I have just instaled AVAST on our server. Command line prompt works. Local demon and mail demon are started. I also managed to force daily updates. But i can’t see if it scans my mail. In avast log i have only:

Oct 03 15:42:33 avastd[28084]: info: Starting avast! daemon
Oct 03 15:42:33 avastd[28084]: info: listenning on socket ‘/var/run/avast4/scanner.sock’
Oct 03 15:42:33 avastd[28084]: info: started new process (‘local’, pid=28085)
Oct 03 15:42:33 avastd[28084]: info: started new process (‘local’, pid=28086)
Oct 03 15:42:33 avastd[28084]: info: started new process (‘local’, pid=28087)
Oct 03 15:42:33 avastd[28084]: info: started new process (‘local’, pid=28088)
Oct 03 15:42:33 avastd[28084]: info: listenning on socket ‘/var/run/avast4/mailscanner.sock’
Oct 03 15:42:33 avastd[28084]: info: started new process (‘mailscaner’, pid=28089)
Oct 03 15:42:33 avastd[28084]: info: started new process (‘mailscaner’, pid=28090)
Oct 03 15:42:33 avastd[28084]: info: started new process (‘mailscaner’, pid=28091)
Oct 03 15:42:33 avastd[28084]: info: started new process (‘mailscaner’, pid=28092)

No sign of AVAST in other logs (syslog for ex.)

Is it normal ?

mail daemon scans only files. I must have installed some mail relaying application communicating with avast! antivirus:

  1. amavisd-new (patch integrating avast! into amavisd-new is included in avast4server package)
  2. avastrelay (the binary is part of the previous avast4linux package, it will be in independent package since the next version)
  3. avast4milter if you have sendmail with libmilter support installed

I have checked patch file. It is connected with amavisd-new.conf file. But i cannot find this file in my system, so no patch possible! Point 2 and 3 is out of question. So what now ?
M. ??? ???


download latest version, unpack it and patch amavisd.conf file
then install patched amavisd-new

THX :slight_smile: I will try it !

If you have already amavisd-new installed, you can patch amavisd.conf file only

::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile:
Just managed to start mail scan on my server - works OK! THX! Right now tests, tests, tests !!