I’m a new user of Avast. I installed the Home Edition yesterday.
I’m on winxp pro, 768mb, PIII processor.
When I installed avast. Everything was fine except that every time I boot my computer, avast would load and my drive would make this irritating noise as if it were doing something major.
I went into msconfig, I disable avast, restarted my comp, and on startup (right after desktop loads) I got the same 2 minute “GRRRRRRRRR” from my hard drive.
IN the task panel, a component of avast was still running, even though I completely disabled it in msconfig.
Why does avast take so long to load/become active each time I boot. I only have web sheild and internet mail enabled. What the heck is it doing???
(go to “My Computers”>right click “Local Disk”>Go to “Tools” tab>click on “Check Now” on error checking>Place a check on the box that says “Automactically Fix File Sytem Errors” and press “Start”)
Note: You might need to restart your computer to do error check, so restart your computer.
If only scandisk actually ever fixed any of my computer’s past problems. Scandisk is useless.
But I took your advice. I uninstalled Avast!!!, ran a scandisk and as I guessed, nothing changed. I even cut down on which “providers” of avast I installed and still, I get a rigorous sound from my hard drive for two minutes before the TWO providers are loaded, every time I start up!
I forgot to mention that my computer and everything on it ran beautifully. So I know there was nothing wrong with my computer before hand. For hours, I studied the avast features and options and tried everything humanly possible to avoid this drawn out startup.
So here I am again asking for advice on a program that acts more like a virus than a virus protection utility.
When I disable avast in msconfig and restart my computer, the computer will still boot a file that seems to be avast related. The name of the file I see processing in the task panel is ashServ.exe.
You see that folks?
I hope that bit of info helps you to help me. lol
Can someone please tell me if they ever had the same trouble and why this is happening and how to fix it?
AVG never gave me an ounce of these problems, though it did stink protection-wise.
Also a good friend reminded me something: Do you set your computer to idle after a short time (like setting your screensaver to appear in like 2 minutes)?
Only 2 things I wish say: 1- If the HD rumor is like a cat-scratching, is not a software problem. 2- Maybe one error was the msconfig. Is NOT the same thing to work in the msconfig panel or in the service panel. The MSConfig modify the whole configuration of the pc; the service panel can be used to disable/enable the services for the current user, depends. 3- If you has deactivated the internet connection by your device (router, modem, cable) maybe Avast! is searching to go online 'cause the first thing for this program is the download of new updates. I know, 2 minutes are a long time, but I’m trying some hypothesis.
I uninstalled it, then reinstall it. The only option was to “change” the installed components so I just went ahead and uninstalled, then reinstalled it again.
Theories you mentioned that I’m sure is not the case:
I put both update settings to ask me if their is an update and if any program wants to go online, I get a prompt for name and passworld. So that is not it.
I went into msconfig > startup and the only things that should be loading are systray and avast.
I also went into the component services and set components to automatic.
I would never use the actual msconfig. I don’t know exactly what you mean.
My hard drive is fine. It doesn’t sound like a cat scratching, just as if it’s loading or searching for something.
I still would appreciate an answer as to why it’s such a chore for avast to load 3 simple providers (internet mail, web, and standard shield)
Well I believe when you first install avast! there was an error while installing it, maybe dealing with running the residential shields during start up. It should only take about a few seconds to run all the shields that you enable. Is it fine now?
It’s not fine now. I reinstalled it yet a third time, enabled all of my service componenents, scandisked, in different orders to see if the problem would resolve…
The problem is when avast loads the three protections I have installed (internet mail, web sheild, resident sheild).
ashserv.exe is the kernel of avast! antivirus. Of course it has to run… it’s a service. Disable that and you’ll disable everything regarding avast!
I’ve never heard before that someone is having rumble sounds from HD because of avast!. Avast! doesn’t write anything on your drive, at least nothing that would take so much time as you mentioned. Also, loading of those 3 providers you have enabled doesn’t take a tenth of time you mentioned. It needs few seconds.
Is your VRDB generation enabled and in what conditions ?
EDIT: Also, did you hear those noises from your HD when avast! was completely uninstalled ? I’m not so sure, so I ask…
Also, you may wanna list all security programs you have installed on your system. Do you by any chance, have another antivirus installed on your system ? Are you 100% sure you completely uninstalled AVG prior installing avast! ? 100% sure ?
mmm… we are giving you the help we can. These are your first words about Avast!.. I think is not a fine presentation at the first time one ask for help here …but we have ignored this…
avast does a pre-emptive scan of many system, program files (and items loaded into memory) to ensure your system is clean. This does take some time and does depend on your system, performance, number of loaded and installed programs, etc. Check the scanned count of the Standard Shield after everything has stabilised.
On my system it takes about 60-90 seconds and the number of scanned files is around 750-850. However there is no sound of a thrashing HDD (Seagate drive), quite as a church mouse.
Disk activity will increase noise levels, however, this shouldn’t result in a “I got the same 2 minute “GRRRRRRRRR” from my hard drive.” Perhaps you need to do a HDD load test to see if the noise is consistent under load and if so it could be an indication of potential disk problems/failure.
And also, the model of the HD would tell us a lot. It’s well known that Seagate and Maxtor HD are one of the quietest HD out there… however Western Digital HDs are one of those that makes a lot of noise while searching/reading/writting… Great deal in making noise, also have a speed and the size of the harddrive. See just one example:
Everything mentioned by everyone is not the problem. I checked all of the things mentioned before i came to this forum.
I’m coming to the conclusion that AVAST needs to go. It scans every little move i make on my computer, it’s disruptive and I think that is how it is set up to work.
You have the right of your opinion. I say this: millions of users appreciate the flexibility and the efficience of this program. This is the best reply and you must say “Sorry” to yourself, I think. ;D Good luck!
I'm coming to the conclusion that AVAST needs to go. It scans every little move i make on my computer, it's disruptive and I think that is how it is set up to work.
avast! is probably the most configurable AV about, certainly that I have ever used. You can tweak the settings so it doesn’t scan every little move you make, you will however be a little more vulnerable. It is your computer and your decision on protection V performance, etc. but beware of throwing the baby out with the bath water.
If you are prepared to learn a little more about avast (we are prepared to help, as we have been trying to do), you will see how configurable it is. If you aren’t prepared to do this, it will be your loss and good luck with your next AV.
Hey JohnJohn, let me give you a fact here: There are over ten new virus discover each day that totals about over 500 new virus in just one month. Without a Up-to-date Antivirus program that also scans every file or website you visited, your computer will be toasted faster than a toaster toasting your bread. Avast! needs to scan everything you open or visited cause no one knows where a virus lurks in the shadows of the World Wide Web.