After updating to Avast 20.1.2397 build 20.1.5069.537 with definitions 200225-0, WSL causes CPU to spike and will not open. Worked fine before recent program update. Works fine if I disable Avast.
Hi, I forwarded it…
I have just quickly tried on my work desktop machine with win10 and WSL works just fine. Could you please try to run xperf on your computer and provide us the output logs. The procedure how to run the xperf is available e.g. on:
Thank you.
Works fine for me. WSL type 1 or type 2? What is your windows 10 OS build?
Have the same problem with WSL1, build Windows 10 1909 18363.720
It’s look like the same issue
I also have this issue, with WSL 1 on Windows 10 Pro 1909 18363.720.
I’ve uploaded a performance log:
Thank you for uploading xperf logs. We have identified the issue and it should be fixed in the latest version of Avast Antivirus with the latest version of virus database. Could you please retest with latest VPS version 200330-00? Thank you for your help.
It looks like that did it. Thanks!