Avast 2014 Disk Rescue CD

I can not create a Rescue CD! When I choose “CD” and attempt to download after a short while I get a prompt that states “Failed to create rescue disk.” The problem is I can not download the ISO required to burn the rescue disk. Is there another place where I can download the ISO since I can not download the toolkit using Avast?

What Operating System are you using ? Which version of avast! ?? What kind of internet access do you have ???

You are not alone, there is obviously something wrong with the server/system.


Looking at the Rescue Disc sub forum there are others having problems.


Same here Bob.

I am on a 24Mb connection and the “Toolkit” was downloading for for 2 hours then died.

Mine isn’t a download problem but a creation problem. :cry:

What Operating System are you using ? Which version of avast! ?? What kind of internet access do you have ???
I am using Windows XP Pro w/SP3, Avast Free Antivirus 2014.9.0.2013, I have cable Internet access and I have 120GB of free space on my hard drive…

I was trying to burn the CD but didnt work.Despite Im an advanced PC user with 14 years experience at 8h/day.
I cant find the Rescue Disk in Google. Only trhu Softonic who asks your mobile normally.
I know some of my facts are missing.
Its clear: Avast should investigate this point.

Just tested it and it works without any problem at all for me.

Download, burned and tested the cd.
Downloaded, safed and tested the usb.

That makes you the exception to the rule Eddy.
As you can see from my post, I can’t get it to work and am still waiting for an answer from Avast
why I keep getting that same error message each time I try to create a recovery USB.

Hi Bob and luis navarro,

Can you please try to save ISO file into the folder and then if it’ll fail attach please EventLog.log which located in C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log\

Andrey,pro, says, and I really appreciate your answr: <Can you please try to save ISO file… (¿where is it? ¿in th recorded CD? Although opening F: DVD shows the Rescue CD, when I see F: it looks empty. And the same when I lood at the DVD -it seems unrecorded-

into the folder ¿Which folder?
and then if it’ll fail attach ¿attach where? please EventLog.log which located in C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log>
¿Thats all to have a rescue DVD?


Avast AV is simple. The rest is messy. SW developper dont realize how complicated it is. “The drunk thinks everybody is drinking” (its my quote).
SW develppers: the easiest, the most valuable. ¿You get it? The easiest is better than the best.

First of all, please, read this article: http://www.avast.com/en-us/faq.php?article=AVKB114

You need to create ISO file and save it into the folder as described in the article. If you’ll get an error message you need move to C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log\ directory and attach EventLog.log file at the forum.

DearAndtey, yo didnt answer my question. Pls try not to refer to previous answers since its complicated to mix them not been knowledgeable.
Pls try not to be criptic or so concise. What would you Google to find the damm Rescue record.My avast Premer has finished its month trial.And I m very overwhelmed.Tks.

Sorry but your answer isn’t acceptable.
This is something that needs input from Avast.
It is a function offered in avast! and should not require that we go through hoops
in order to complete a simple task of creating a recovery media.
If it doesn’t work and can’t be fixed, then it should be removed.

The ironic part is that when this feature was first introduced during a beta release,
it worked flawlessly.
I even created a video about this excellent and needed function.

I burned the ISO to CD but the operating system on it would not boot. It progressed no further than the display of four pale blue panes in square formation then hung.

It’s working fine for me… I asked about EventLog.log because it can be useful for avast team (I think you can find an error code in this file).

It's working fine for me
On which Operating system ??? 32 or 64 bit ???

windows 7 Starter edition, 32 bit

Once I get back home, (End of this month) I’ll try a creation of a Rescue DVD on a windows 8.1.1 32 bit system.
I know creation on a 64 bit Windows 8.1.1 does not work.