AVAST 2014 not starting

I have Avast 2014 Free installed on the computer. The laptop is running Windows 7 with all updates. The Avast service is not starting, when I try to turn it on or resolve the problem, nothing happens.

I used the uninstaller and then did a reinstall, but that did not work. This is not my laptop, the person had McAffee installed in it; I removed it using the removal tool.

Can anyone help?

Check the Windows Event logs for related errors.

Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer

The best option as everyone suggests is uninstall AVAST , run the AVAST clear tool and reinstall…

I checked the log and found nothing.

I have also used the cleaner tool and did a reinstall and that did not work.

Anything else I can do? It’s the free version, so there is no support available except for the forums.

What other security software are you using?
If uninstalled how was it uninstalled?

This should fix it… Note the installer difference… follow each step.

  1. Download Avastclear, Rejzors uninstall tool and the appropriate Avast program edition

Note: You need to be ONLINE during this install


Avastclear : http://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avastclear.exe
Rejzors Uninstall tool: http://rejzor.wordpress.com/avast-cleanup-tool/

  1. Uninstall Avast by control panel [If you don’t have Avast in control Panel go to #4]
  2. Uninstall in safe mode using Avastclear.
  3. Run Rejzors Uninstall Utility in Normal Mode (removes traces avastclear doesn’t) - reboot.
    Check : Once uninstalled check in device manager>view>show hidden devices if there is anything related to avast with a yellow triangle… if so, uninstall it and reboot.
  4. Install the version you downloaded.
  5. Reboot.