Avast 2014 + Sunbelt-Personal-Firewall on WinXP = Bluescreen

when I made the update to Avast 2014 I got a bluescreen on restart. So I did set the system back to the last know working config. After down grad to Avast v8.x Sunbelt could not reach the GUI. So my guess was that Sunbelt and Avast not working together very well. I uninstalled Avast and Sunbelt. Installed Avast 2014 again and changed to Online Amore Firewall and it works perfect.
Just if you have the same problem, you’ll find the answer here :smiley:
stay tuned

It’s a system driver conflict.
Before installing Avast v7 or v8 (or current v9 I suppose as well) on a computer using the firewall, you need to, in the firewall GUI disable HIPS. But that’s not sufficient. You then need to disable the system driver sbhips (or kbhips if one of the early version 4 firewall) like this

1. Go to Start -> Run; type cmd and press enter 2. At the command prompt, type the following and press enter: sc config sbhips start= disabled 3. After seeing the SUCCESS message, exit cmd and restart the computer.
This is necessary even if you disable behavior shield during a custom installation of Avast.