As stated above, I try to install, and it goes through the install process. I get to the finished screen, and it has a big button that says done. Below that it says it is going to do a quick scan of my pc. I click done, and complete freeze occurs.
Nothing happens, avast cannot start. More freezing. Its very frustrating. I have already tried avasts removal utility and just now tried to reinstall it. Nothing.
1.) It freezes after login.
2.) It does not occur in safe mode of course. Only windows is loaded in safe mode.
3.) Yes I did try redownloading a fresh copy from this website. I also tried formatting and reinstalling windows. No luck.
4.) I have ran the removal tool in safe mode like it tells you too.
The problem is def. Avast. Someone I know tried to update to the latest version and they get the same thing.