Since installing Beta 2, the URL “http://www.zone-telechargement.com/index.php” can not be reached (it is blocked) although I put it in the web agent and exclusions General exclusions.
Same problem after reinstalling.
Thank you in advance for your answers.
Kind regards,
NO Avast does not do what it should do as I have deliberately excluded this URL Avast protection and continues to block it.
Avast has to do what is asked and not do what he wants.
If that’s the way you look, then I’ll look elsewhere other antivirus Avast and bye bye.
Also I would point out that with Avast 2014, there is no blockage.
Avast has to warn me that the site is infected and then prompt the user that it needs to do.
But Avast does not do this because it automatically prohibited access.
What then used the exclusions made by the user in your program ??
I think the point here is that, while using the beta, adding the url to the exclusion list is not working correctly. This is a potential bug in the beta and reported correctly.