Avast 4.1 Pro review

Has anyone seen this review of avast 4.1? http://www.anti-virus-software-review.com/avast-review.html

Not having heuristic scanning probably went against avast but, it seems a bit harsh to me ranking avast 11th out of 11!

It probably shows we shouldn’t believe all that we read ;D

use search this was already discussed here in forums and it’s totally awfull made test , teenager can do it better …

:-[ Ooops! Didn’t realise it had been discussed before.

Maybe a moderator can remove this topic.


Just a little example of how bad the test is:

Most of the other screens have a standard Microsoft Windows look and feel to them
They never heard of the skin option ;D

In the section “ease of installation” they give 3 blocks, when you look at the top (summary) it suddenly is only 2.

Help/Documentation: They offer online support in the form of a Knowledge Base Search and FAQs page.

LOL, what about the avast! forum we are in now?, ha not a very well done test at all.


It does provide good protection with the on-demand scanner along with the resident scanner. The email protection is adequate for POP3, SMTP,IMAP acounts
followed by
AVAST wasn't as effective as some of the other products reviewed

They said it was good and then bad, these people must have really short memory.


This forum is full of people who have ditched many of the programs suposedly better than avast pro. Many of those are using the Home (free) version and it still offers better protection than many of the paid for versions in this review.


Yea you should look here , some of these people clearly don’t know there head from there ass.


Well regarding Cons… he forgot to set On-Access module to High. In Normal mode it checks only files that are opened as he said,in High there are also scanned those that are copied/moved/created. Anyone registered at Neowin to notify him?

All taken care of.

That’s just best example that those people are stupid and nothing else… I really don’t give a damn what anyone will think, but I’m sick of those people… they don’t even check product before they s**t on all those web sites… some self-proclaimed software experts. They watch Southpark too offten… they don’t have a clue what options and features avast! has.

Quote by somebody from that review:

They offer online support in the form of a Knowledge Base Search and FAQs page.

They are completely unaware that this forum exist and how big help it provides to new users as well as to regular and more experienced users. No one ever mentioned in those s***y reviews that Alwil team is giving their kind and unconditional help and lot of their precious time spending helping people in these forums… and same story is for Home Edition which is well known, freeware. Who else is giving free 24/7 technical support for free product and not charging anything for that ? c’mon people, that’s really something ! We have to take some steps and stop this anarchy once for all. Where are all those avast! lovers in those forums and reviews ? We can’t hear or see anyone…

Most of the other screens have a standard Microsoft Windows look and feel to them...

Speaking of avast! look/style or design… if they weren’t so lazy as they really are, they should just take some more time and spent it on checking avast! program more closely… most likely they would find that avast! is skinable antivirus, probably the only one in the whole wide world… at least it’s first one, and that’s for sure. I know that I spent so much of my spare time trying to make avast! different and if you like, better looking than other antiviruses. I’m sure Martin spent as much time as I do… or any other skin designer… and they keep saying, avast! looks to plain and boring… oh my… oh my…

On the other hand, avast! is everything but standard MS Windows style application… avast! is far better than that ! Far better…

Cheers !

I wish I could say the same of Sasha 8)
avast! rulez 8)

HI! ido not forget that bitdefender has a very important budget of advertising as we say in french’‘ceci explique cela!’’

Magical words that explain a lot in the world :-[ ;D