Avast 4.5 Free Edition since yesterday no uppdates


can anyone help me please.

Since yesterday I get from the Avast Setup-Program and also in the antivirus-log the following information:

Function satisfaceUpdatePackages() has failed.
Return code is 0xC0000005 dwRes is C0000005

I also get in the sysEvent-log the information:

Error in the application Avast Setup. The direction in 0x5b114d42 with point to
storage 0x6d74682. The action “read” should not be conducted.
Update has failed.

Regards maneich

avast 4.5? Are you sure it’s 4.5?
You must update to 4.8 (in Windows 98/Me) and for 5.0 (in newer Windows).

To be exact it would be 4.8.1368.
But as you didn’t tell us about your system…!!!
There would also be the new version 5.0.545… :wink:

PS: Man spricht deutsch…!! ;D