I have 1 problem, I looked today in the event viewer and saw this error:
The avast! Web Scanner service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 1 time(s).
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
event ID 7034
I searched the forum and someone else had the same problem, I cannot recreate the problem so I don’t know where the problem comes up.
Does anyone know the status of this error?
And another not so big problem is that I get much warning messages in the event viewer with the new avast version.
It is not spyware, I checked if the file was there, I use Adaware Spybot Search & Destroy and MS AntiSpyware all latest versions and definitions.
I see now that my second small problem is a bug, I don’t see this as a real “problem”
I don’t know why it crashed because I had turned of error reporting.:-[
I turned on error reporting so if it happends again I will inform you.
It is also the only time it happended, I never had such errors before.