AVAST 4.6 False Positive

I have a serious problem with AVAST 4.6.

When customers of our who happen to use AVAST install our spamfilter for Windows, they receive a bogus virus alert, a false alarm.

None of the other major anti-virus products (e.g. Symantec, Kaspersky, Norman) have this problem, they all coexist happily with our product.

Our spamfilter includes an email worm scanner. Because of that it contains some text strings to match against emails from known viruses. It appears that AVAST mistakes these bits of Virus data for a real virus.

How can I contact AVAST engineers to resolve this issue?


Joe Wein

joewein.de LLC
6-30 Sumiyoshidai, Aoba-ku
Yokohama, 227-0035, Japan

E-Mail: joewein@pobox.com
WWW: http://www.joewein.de

You can submit the file to virus@avast.com for analysis, together with some description.

But honestly - if your spamfilter contains virus samples in plaintext form, as your post suggests, it’s unlikely that we would do anything about it; the signatures should be propertly encrypted to prevent this kind of things.

Dekuj, Igor!
(Thank you)

I’ve sent a copy of the binary to the address you gave me. It would be helpful if someone could let me know which of the text patterns triggers the filter because most strings I have are very short.

As I said, none of the other AV-products have a problem with our code.

Best regards
