Avast 4.6 with another AV.

If I install Bitdefender free that has not resident module, can I have some problem with Avast? Some people has tell to me that is better install only an Av on every computer. (resident or not resident)

It will work just fine :slight_smile:

I confirm too!(But only for the free 7.2 version of Bitdefender).The powerful scan engine of avast and the virus signatures of bitdefender are very good combination

And Antivir?

Yes,if you disable Resident part.

If you only use the BitDefender sometimes, disable the services process that are always enabled to provide more resources…
When want to run it, enable that services again… :wink:

You can have two Antivirus on your computer as long as you use only one Resident Shield. Anti Vir and bit Defender are safe to use cause they either don’t have a resident shield or you can disable it. :wink:

Very cool. 8)
I installed Bitdefender 7.2 a few hours ago, and all is working well.
Question (hope it’s not a stupid one): is it recommended to pause the !avast Standard Shield before doing a quick scan with BitDefender from the right-click context menu? And for that matter, should the Standard Shield be paused before doing a regular scan with BitDefender?

I never paused avast on-access scanner and there are no problems doing a scan with bitdefender. :wink: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

No, you don’t need to do that. BitDefender on-demand scanning won’t conflict with avast resident providers 8)

FIXER is theoretically right.

For practical part, I even checked a few files I just downloaded with BitDefender from right-click/context menu while Antivir scanning my local hard drives and Avast Standard Shield on. As far as I know, this seems not to be a special case. At least, BitDefender seems to be one of the most popular companions of Avast.

I like Anti Vir alot, but it takes 1 Mb of my RAM for nothing, so I disable it from my memory and it still works. I never tried Bit Defender but I see that it’s a great software when I use the online scanner. :wink:

Thanks, all! :slight_smile: BitDefender seems like a good “second-opinion” a-v.

You can also use the BitDefender Online Scanner that use a better engine than the free version… :wink: