avast 4.7.1001

I am certain the program is running correctly. I am unsure if the autoupdate function of the
program is though? There has not been an update since 000737-2 04/30 so I’m unable to see
if this function is operating as it should? I am running XP SP2. My firewall is comodo and my anti-spyware
is spybot and advanced windows care. I am patiently waiting for the next virus def update, to see if the auto function works? I am able to update manually. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

000737-2 04/30 is the most recent update I have, and autoupdate is working fine here (or it was Monday, at least ;D). Updates are issued as needed, usually about once a day, sometimes more, occasionally less, without useless updates just to maintain a schedule.

Welcome to the forums!

  Thank you for the reply! I guess I will have to twiddle my thumbs till the next update, should

the autoupdate fail and my fingers are crossed that it will update as normal then this will be moot
point. I’m just used to seeing almost daily updates; so I guess I panicked. (As you said your auto
feature is working fine and I guess I jumped and went to manual.) Thankyou for your response. ;D

This should be your port of call for VPS Updates information, avast! VPS Updates History

 Thank you daveR vps history is bookmarked. I reckon there will be an update tomorrow? I'll let

you know if the auto feature is working or not? The newbie ::slight_smile:

Your welcome.

    To tls and davidR things are functionly normally, updates and such. Also no problems

encountered with my email client thunderbird, so I’m a happy camper content with a stellar
program. Your intervention prevented from do something I know I would have regreted later.(LOL)

We too are happy that everything is working as it should ;D

Thanks for letting us know everything is working. I hope you will be as happy with avast as I have been.