Avast 4.7

My avast folder file size is over 100 mb data is 55mb is there a way I can reduce this and still stay safe…TIA

Mine is 131 MB. Considering the last update from Windows was almost 400 MB, I’d consider the Alwil Folder a fairly small folder. :slight_smile:
Welcome to the forum. :slight_smile:

What Kind of data storage do you have that your worried about a relatively small folder?

131MB?? What have you got in there? Report files? Files in Chest?

My Alwil Software folder and sub folders are a total of 90.4MB and I periodically empty my log files via the log viewer. My data folder (included in the total) is only 48.5, so I don’t know what you have been doing to get such a large size. The integ folder and the avast.int can get a bit large depending on how many programs and windows version is, mine is currently 11.6MB.

83.3 Meg is in the Data subFolder. Nothing in the chest.

Debug files into avast log folder are generally due to avast size increase.
To clean them up, temporarily disable the avast self defense module:

  1. Right click the ‘a’ blue icon on system tray.
  2. Programs settings > Troubleshooting (tab)
  3. Disable self defense module
    Then delete the Debug*.txt files.

Thanks Tech.
That leave 115 meg.

Thanks for the team effort…I am down to 78 MB…as a newbie I was not aware of the file sizes… and thanks for the information and help

I wish there is a way to limit the debug files generated.
99,99% of the users are just losing disk space as they don’t know what to do with these files.